BBQ boneless chicken breast halves recipe how to make at home

BBQ boneless chicken breast halves recipe how to make at home. BBQ boneless chicken breast halves made with barbecue sauce, honey, ketchup and chopped onions. BBQ boneless chicken breast halves very delicious and easy to make at home. BBQ boneless chicken breast halves BBQ boneless chicken breast halves recipe ingredients: Barbecue sauce: 3/4 cup Honey: 3/4 cup Ketchup: 1/2 cup Onion: 1 chopped Boneless chicken breast halves: 4 skinless BBQ boneless chicken breast halves recipe Directions: Step 1 Preheat the oven to 400 degree F (200 degree C). Now take a medium bowl mix the honey, barbecue sauce, ketchup and chopped onion mix well. Step 2 Now take the chicken breast halves into a baking dish. Pour sauce over the chicken breast halves and cover the baking dish with the foil. Now bake at 400 degree F for 45 minutes to 1 hour till chicken juices run clear and serve hot.